Thursday, July 1, 2010

Superstar Day Three

Our last day of our Superstar week today, and it was a whirlwind of projects to accomplish in 4 hours. We worked on our drawing skills, painted landing pads, made paratroopers, confetti rockets, and decorated cookies. I am also including the finished comic book in today's post as well. Whew!

We finished up today in drawing with working more on creating patterns interlacing lines, and just introduced the children to using reflection or mirror drawings to create an object. I really love this part of class, and could certainly do more of it with the children. They really seem to get into the drawings and some even preferred to draw instead of play during free time. Here are a few of the drawing examples from today:

Including in today's post as I mentioned above are the comic strips the kids drew. This was a fun project, and something different than what we normally do. It was fun to add a bit of literary fun into the mix. The kids seem to love to draw, and the opportunity for the boys to draw some monsters and super heroes was to good to pass up. It's our first issue ever, and something that I think we might come back to again sometime. Each child got to take home a compilation of all of the comic strips from all of the other kids in their very own comic book. We discussed with them how in comics the individual pictures are called cells, and there are typically at least two characters in a comic that interact/communicate, and that the stories stay pretty simple. Here are some examples from our comic book issue no.1:

Paratroopers were also on the menu. We had the kids draw their own paratrooper with fabric markers on a plain muslin that we pre-cut. They then were able to pick the backing fabric and using a pattern piece trace and cut the backing piece of fabric. We then took them to the sewing machine and assisted them in sewing the paratrooper together. Then they filled it with stuffing, we sewed the bottom shut, and threaded the parachutes on. They also painted their landing pad with a target. They climbed up on our playhouse/loft outside and let 'em fly. They seemed to do much better when there was a slight wind. Here's photos from our landing pads, and paratroopers. They turned out beautifully.

On to one of my favorite projects....the confetti rockets! I really love these, and I would love to make them somehow create a popping noise. The kids were really excited to create these. Using toilet paper tubes, a couple pony beads, construction paper, tape, ribbon, stapler, string, and confetti these are gonna be fun in a couple days. Messy, but fun. My one concern for the rockets is that the kids really packed them with confetti, and I think that it might not fall out when they pull the release string. We certainly reinforced not packing it in, but if I were a kid I would also think more is better. Hopefully they will work o.k.
Lastly, are our star cookies that the children decorated as their send off. It wasn't hard to get them interested in this project at all. They were licking, spreading, and sprinkling with smiles. I baked the cookies and made the icing for the children, and if I don't say so myself the icing was pretty yummy. Anyway Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!

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