Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Session Week four

Woven Valentine Hearts, Valentine Collage cards, and Hand-Dipped Heart Cookies

Milk chocolate, the color red, candy, hearts, flowers, the color pink, dark chocolate, love, hugs, friendship, warmth, kisses, and did I mention chocolate, all the things I love mashed up into one day- Valentine's Day. This is one of those holidays that you wonder when in the world did they make this one up. I've got to say that it doesn't matter to me how, when or why I'm glad it is here no matter what reason. A day devoted to telling people you care about how much you love them, and sharing a sweet treat with them, is a good day. Not that it shouldn't be like that everyday, in our busy days and routine we sometimes forget. So this week the kids are going to partake in creating different kinds of valentine's. We will be learning a big about hand weaving to make a valentine, collage together a valentine card, and making a sugar cookie a bit more special by dipping it in candy melts.

The valentine collage card is a fun way to be creative, and an easy way to make something a little more special. We have gathered many sweet clippings, odds and ends, for the kids to gather and create their own special valentine day card. Collage although it is a simple technique can be spectacular, as well as, very satisfying. There are many artists past and current day that use it in their work, and create beautiful art pieces. I like collage because it allows me to bring together so many different items in the same picture. It is like a 2 dimensional shadow box essentially. I like seeing all the different kinds of collages be it messy, minimal, organized, themed, or glitzy. I think for some reason it is easier for kids and adults to have a vision when it comes to collage.

I remember when I was in maybe 2nd grade, way back when, weaving a paper heart for Valentine's Day in class that would hold all of the valentines we would receive from my other classmates. I thought I would bring back a version of that, but slightly smaller, and in fabric instead. Without me knowing I think that was the weaving seed that was planted in me as a little girl. To be able to share my love for weaving in some way is always a pleasure. It is also very good exercise for the brain and recognizing patterns. I used fabric instead of paper for these sweet valentines so it wouldn't be as frustrating for the kids. The fabric works great and is more forgiving when weaving it, and the kids can be a bit more aggressive as they weave it. I used wonder under a fabric adhesive film that you iron on to give the fabric more stability, and hopefully longer lasting. We also gave the kids two choices to do the woven heart weaving three strips or slightly more advanced weaving 4 strips. They all turned out well.

Finally, we can't have a valentine class without working in some sort of food craft treat. This time we decided to go with a heart shaped sugar cookie, and then letting the kids dip half of the heart cookie into a white or red candy melt, and then put sprinkles on top. Kids love sprinkles and cookies so we figured it would be a win win. We call it hand dipped with love cookies. I love how they look.

We love that we get to share our joy of crafting and art with your children Happy Valentine's Day!

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