Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mardi Gras and Birdhouses

Our fourth session in the after school program, and today it was so sunny and spring-like we had the children all paint birdhouses. Though some called theirs alien houses, which I love when the children can totally make something their own. We talked a little bit about African American month, and repetitive patterns in traditional African fabrics. We suggested to the children to try and use patterning on their birdhouses, and gave them different examples on the board. It's apparent when the kids have a specific idea they want to stick with it. So most children didn't do the patterning, but they did turn out some incredible birdhouses with scenic views on them. We like to suggest, and try not to hinder their own creativity. We also talked about Mardi Gras and what it was, and where it is celebrated. We also discussed the meaning of Fat Tuesday, and we all made Mardi Gras masks. They seemed to have a lot of fun with those adding feathers and sequins. We listened to a little bit of jazz music while decorating and designing their masks. In the very beginning of class I read a book called "Leo the Lightning Bug". It was a book about a lightning bug, and how he overcomes his fears, and believes in himself. Also, about how sometimes it is just easier to laugh at ourselves instead of getting upset. I think it is important for students to know that everyone learns at a different pace, and that practice can really make perfect. Especially in art when everyone has their own interpretation of something, that it is o.k. to be different. Below are photos from our projects this week.

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